Patch notes Stoffenmanager®
Version 8.3.30
Issues resolved
- Sorting by `Hazard lists` disabled, to prevent an error message occurrence.
- Issue with deletion of a product with hidden info resolved.
- Creation of a solid component with vapour pressure is disabled, to prevent incorrect combinations.
- Issue with generating a report document is resolved.
- Issue with unarchiving REACH risk assessments is resolved.
- DPD share link is not made available when an SDS file is not available.
- Problem with WIC template settings is resolved.
- Problem with selecting respiratory protection measures is resolved.
- Missing links in PGS 15 module are fixed.
- The parallel execution of synchronisation of the blue inhalation grid under the same account is prevented.
- The conditional RCR value color display is corrected.
- Problem with display of custom fields after manual synchronisation is resolved.
- Links in notifications have been fixed.
- Welcoming text in the email have been adjusted.
Version 8.3.29
Issues resolved
- Problems in CMR registration overview resolved.
- Display of suspected CMR substances in WIK adjusted.
- Problem in validation of limit values when storing component details resolved.
- Problem with SDS download with read-only rights resolved.
- Problem in display of archived locations resolved.
- Problem with display of versions in product overview resolved.
- Problem with sorting and filtering on versions in RIE inhalation overview resolved.
- Problem with creation of a solid product in case of a large component list resolved.
Version 8.3.28
New features
- Filtering on DPD when bulk assigning and unassigning locations.
- Showing identifiers in the location tree (conditionally, taking into account a newly introduced company setting).
Issues resolved
- Icons in labels were not aligned properly.
- Issue with click on "i" in panel "Workplace instruction card".
- Wrong alignment of titles in WIC.
- XML export contains scientific numbers for vapor pressure.
Version 8.3.27
New features
- Users with the online sharing module can deep link to the WIC-pdf download.
Issues resolved
- The export of products to XML-files is made more robust for existing, strange characters in product text fields.
- In the import of products, options are added to preserve Locations and WIC-texts in existing products in the set.
- Alternative limit values selected in an exposure assessment are preserved when the assessment is updated from the grid or administration panel.
- The explanation why a location can't be deleted is enhanced and made more specific.
- When a vapour pressure above 30.000 Pa is applied to a component or product a warning is shown explaining the boundaries of the model applied.
- Problem with generating Company WIC 5 to PDF resolved.
- Navigating to an expired SHARE-link will show a proper warning page.
Version 8.3.26
Issues resolved
- Column name 'Quantity stored' clarified in product overview.
- Generation of Product WIC in combination with PPE fixed.
- Validation on Type of action in Process made stricter to prevent error messages.
- Choice for product details in RIE-Inhalation is completely hidden in case of machining work.
Version 8.3.25
Issues resolved
- Response for certain logical errors made clearer to the user.
Version 8.3.24
Issues resolved
- Content updated towards 2024.
- The request to upgrade the maximum number of additional users in an account is added to the logbook in addition to the email sent.
Version 8.3.23
New features
- In Product details the user is notified when a component in the composition is linked to a hazard list.
- The option to export a list of products from the SHARE in CSV-format is made available.
- For users with XML-export feature enabled, a bulk export in XML-format can be made for all risk assessments in the account, both inhalation and skin.
Issues resolved
- Stoffenmanager-Nano account creation is routed via the regular Stoffenmanager, solving the encountered problem.
- The synchronisation of reportig grids is improved on lead time.
Version 8.3.22
New features
- The allegene hazard description in Product details is extended on sector details.
- Product details 'Your product ID' validation extended.
- Possibility for Company admins to enforce Two Factor Authentication for all the sub-users having access.
Version 8.3.21
New features
- New WIC-template - Product Information Card (PIC) - added as optional product WIC.
Version 8.3.20
New features
- The Stoffenmanager® allergen list is now available for companies subscribed to the Hazard List Module.
- When a component is an allergen, a warning is shown in the component grid, product reporting grid and the inhalation reporting grid.
- Searching allergens is available within the new 'Allergens' page. This is accessible via the Inventory menu.
- Updated the ATEX documentation.
- Added bulk delete to the Job daily average grid.
- Added column with limit values to the Job daily average grid.
- Added label with the limit value on the edit page of a Job daily average concentration.
Issues resolved
- Fixed textual ambiguity for the PGS 15 module.
Version 8.3.19
New features
- Addition of sector information and date of addition to allergen information.
- Inventory – Allergens - availability of Sector information and date of addition in optional columns of the allergen overview.
- ATEX quick scan gas explosion hazard amendment in questions about UN packaging.
- PGS15 updating questions so that the questionnaires are in line with amended legislation.
Issues resolved
- Remembering in location manager which folders are open or closed after additions to the list.
- Fixed import problem when matching components by cas number in combination with ec number.
Version 8.3.18
New features
- Import: Added option to allow matching on CAS-numbers instead of import reference ID (the default).
- Risk assessment inhalation export: Added option to export previous versions.
- Risk assessment skin export added, also with option to export previous versions
- Added option in a skin scenario to add your own skin scenario ID (YSSID)
- Stoffenmanager® SHARE: added option to search on YPID/YISID
Issues resolved
- Import: Resolved issue with importing components with multiple default limit values
- Import: Resolved issue with importing product set with many SDS files
- Changed formatting of comma between limit value number and type
- Export DPD: Gracefully handle failure of missing SDS
- Import/export: Resolved issue with scientific notation when importing/exporting
- Resolved issue with selecting locations in the interface
- Resolved problem with <LC50 notation
Version 8.3.17
New features
- Added the option to let Stoffenmanager® generate a unique "Your Inhalation Scenario ID" (YISID) according to a format in the settings
- Added the option in Stoffenmanager® Share to provide a deep link of specific Risk WIC's for easier sharing
- Improved the job title dropdown to be searchable in Inhalation risk assessment, Dermal risk assessment and Job daily average
- Improved the location dropdown to be searchable in Inhalation risk assessment, Dermal risk assessment and assessment REACH
- Improved consistency in flashpoint and boiling point export for decimals
- Improved risk assessment inhalation results, also showing the concentration without PPE
Issues resolved
- Improved the check on invalid characters which impacted the XML exports and improved the error logging
- Fixed a problem with the XML export not generating when the MSDS is unavailable
Version 8.3.16
Issues resolved
- Account request process enhanced.
Version 8.3.15
Issues resolved
- RIE-Wic text for a PPE-Powered respirator with hood/helmet (TH3) corrected.
- Display of components in a RIE after having made new versions of underlaying components and the save of the RIE in that situation resolved.
Version 8.3.14
New features
- Default limit value of components can be set by the user (instead of the first one available)
- XML component import now supports an indication for default limit value
- New versions of components will result in RCR-values in bulk calculation update (when limit value available)
- Option to deeplink to the most recent Risk WICs available on Stoffenmanager SHARE links, with the option to protect them behind a password
- Option to specify Your Inhalation Scenario ID (YISID) to risk assessments (inhalation)
- Bulk XML export facility via DPD, including the SDS, including support for bigger XML uploads (>40 MB) in Stoffenmanager® accounts
Issues resolved
- SDS download and de-archiving of liquid products with a missing vapour pressure is made possible
- Column UFI (Unigue Formula Identifier) is labeled correctly in the product reporting grid (blue)
Version 8.3.13
New features
- XML-export per skin risk assessment (XML Export module)
- Option to include locations in XML-export or not
- Deletion of multiple component based on a selection
- Flushing of all applied filters in a grid
Issues resolved
- Uncoupling products from locations by sub-users with limited rights
Version 8.3.12
New features
- XML-export per product (XML Export module)
- XML-export per inhalatin risk assessment (XML Export module)
- Copying functions
- Copying job daily average
Issues resolved
- Notification on archived items solved
- Uncoupling products from locations by sub-users with limited rights
- Toggle edit/report grid for su-users with only read rights available
Version 8.3.11
New features
- New RIE Inhalation WIC ‘Company WIC 06’ available
- Alignment remarks in exposure grids enhanced
- Date-time selectors upgraded
Issues resolved
- Problems with MSDS/SDS downloads solved
- Display of concentration decimals in WIC solved
- Archiving dialogue alignment solved
Version 8.3.10
New features
- Your product ID will now be used when importing and exporting a product via XML.
- Your component ID will now be used when importing and exporting a component via XML.
Version 8.3.9
New features
- Stoffenmanager Share: Export SDS inside the Stoffenmanager XML
- Stoffenmanager XML: Added possibility to import and export SDS files.
- Stoffenmanager XML: Added a summary of used data settings during the import validation step.
- Stoffenmanager XML: Documentation of import functionality is updated and will be maintained in English.
- Products and components: Allow editing of Your Product Id / Your Component Id.
- Stoffenmanager API: Added function to calculate vapour pressure based on temperature.
- Stoffenmanager API: Error messages are now returned based on the request accept language.
Issues resolved
- Job daily concentration: Excel export does not export 'functions' column.
- RI&E Skin: Navigation to the first step lost the filled in form fields.
Version 8.3.8
New features
- RI&E inhalation and job daily average: Added explanation when some results could not be calculated.
- Activities and work places: Added ability to copy.
- Job daily average concentration: RCR and limit value per component are shown in the last step when editing.
Issues resolved
- PGS15 dialog was too small in the case there are any notifications.
- Added tooltips to RI&E Grids en the RI&E edit page, explaining why a calculation resulted into '-'.
- Improved error message when creating a job daily average concentration based on a component without limit value.
Version 8.3.7
Issues resolved
- General security improvements
Version 8.3.6
Issues resolved
- Various improvements and fixes regarding XML import and export
- UFI field added as column to the reporting grid
- WIC generation will proceed even the footer image is not given
Version 8.3.5
Issues resolved
- Various improvements and fixes regarding data interoperability
Version 8.3.4
New features
- Added Stoffenmanager® product ID to the product reporting grid
- Added your product ID to the product reporting grid
- Added Stoffenmanager® component ID to the component grid
- Added your component ID to the component grid
- Added UFI field for products
- Added import/export support for the product UFI field
- Added CLP suspected and CLP proven CMR to the Word reports
Issues resolved
- An issue in the PGS module where you couldn't link a product to a location
- Fixed a problem where XML exports with small decimal values were not exported correctly
Version 8.3.3
Issues resolved
- WIC: solved an issue with missing product information that caused an error when saving the generated report
- Improved and clarified CMR configuration for administrators and regular users.
- Added more insight into the difference between CMR suspected and/or proven for the CMR indication.
- Clarified the CMR indication for product and RI&E Inhalation reports. Added insight into the trigger of the CMR indication.
Version 8.3.2
Issues resolved
- When the entry date is not filled in, this will now be shown as empty field in the component edit popup.
- Import issue with the decimal seprator for boilingpoint and flashpoint is solved.
- Unknown date value in the limit-value pop-up will show as empty.
- Issue for component calculation without vapour pressure (specific) is solved.
- Company-specific fields header will only shown, when field(s) is/are set.
- Translation issue for the headers of the WIC has been solved.
- The data of a product will be intact when the product is de-archived.
- Moleculair weight of a existing product can set to empty again.
Version 8.3.1
Issues resolved
- SteamBASE: There are no longer duplicate products in the product selection dropdown.
- WIC: all WICs now load correctly, even when no WIC logo was uploaded in company settings.
- The tooltip of vapour pressure on the product screen is more clear now in Dutch.
- More space is now available when entering a vapour pressure of a product or component.
- It is not longer possible to enter a vapour pressure for solid products, as these are not taken into account while calculating.
- Solved several technical issues when removing a product or task that impacted control measures.
- Instruction videos are now shown in the correct language.
- Searching for CMRs is possible again on the page 'CMR Search List'.
Version 8.3.0
New features
- Creating Inhalation risk assessments based on different process temperatures for components and products that are fluid or 'solid or fluid'. For existing risk assessments, this has defaulted to 20°C.
- Process temperature is added to processes as a new field, which is used for making a Inhalation risk assessments.
- Components and products that are fluid or 'solid or fluid', have a new field: vapour pressure-temperature. For existing components and products, this defaults to 20°C.
- Boiling point is added as a new field for components.
- The boiling point for products has moved from the ATEX module to physical properties (SDS §9).
- The vapour pressure-temperature and boiling point for components can be imported from GESTIS.
- The limit values for components can be imported from GESTIS.
- The vapour pressure-temperature and boiling point are added to the component and product grids.
- The process temperature is added to the Inhalation risk assessment grids.
- Exporting of vapour pressure-temperature in the SHARE module.
- Exporting of vapour pressure-temperature and boiling point to XML/Excel.
- Importing of vapour pressure-temperature and boiling point for components via XML.
- Importing of vapour pressure-temperature and boiling point for products via XML.
- When importing an (old) XML that does not have a vapour pressure-temperature, 20°C is filled as a default temperature.
- The process temperature has been added to the Inhalation risk assessment reporting, job daily average reporting and Inhalation risk assessment WIC's.
- The boiling point has been moved from the ATEX section to the section for general product information.
- Process temperature has been added to the STEAMbase module.
- The calculation for vapour pressure added for prioritization and assessment.
- Tooltips added for the vapour pressure calculation table.
- The vapour pressure can be overwritten by the user.
- Inhalation risk assessment result is calculated with recalculated or user overwritten value.
- Warnings are shown if a specified value is outside Stoffenmanager® domain.
- You will be guided to create products and an Inhalation risk assessment on the dashboard.
- Added an option to import product offered by Cosanta on the dashboard.
- Product and inhalation risk assessment overview: delete multiple items at once.
- On some pages instruction videos are available, which can be viewed by clicking on the video icon.
- Limit values from the GESTIS database can now be looked up
Issues resolved
- Product edit: less jumps of the screen when editing a product.
- All the statements (H- and P-statements) in Products' Health and safety information are now in the correct order when they are returned in the list of options.
- Skin risk assessment grid could sometimes show some errors or show duplicate hazard indicator lists
Version 8.2.6
New features
Version 8.2.5
Issues resolved
- Issue solved where the boiling point was not exported to XML when the flashpoint is missing for the product.
- Issue solved where the option 'Show on WIC' was not directly available when using company custom fields.
- Issue solved where generating a WIC using 'Company-WIC-01' was missing information depending on the amount of available data.
- Issue solved where comparing versions in the DPD grid did not work
- Issue solved where some parts of the SHARE module did not get translated
Version 8.2.4
New features
- Technical support for adding additional languages has been added when editing a product: first aid instructions, safety instructions and SDS files can be editted in more languages and imported in XML
- Technical support for adding additional languages has been added when editing company specific personal protection equipment in the company settings
- Work instruction cards can now be downloaded in additional languages
- The SHARE module now supports more languages. When downloading a SDS file, the file of the selected language will be downloaded
- Added the ability to show and export new columns in the reporting grid: dilution, type of task, breathing zone, multiple employees and evaporation
Issues resolved
- Unable to update version of function daily concentration directly from the overview.
- Several performance fixes.
- Probleem met WIK en WMS pictogrammen opgelost.
- In Chrome: page doesn't jump back to the top when editing a component in the product page.
- Issue solved with the recalculation after a vapour pressure has been removed from a component.
- Issue solved with displaying percentage in the RIE report.
- Issue solved with the import button not being active for the import of the vapour pressure and molecular weight.
- Several small bugfixes
Version 8.2.3
Issues resolved
- RIE Inhalation overview: Issue resolved when updating to use new component(s), RCR values will be calculated and shown in the overview when there is just one limit value available
Version 8.2.2
Issues resolved
- Product edit: increased maximum vapour pressure for gasses to 1 billion
- Product import: K-class will no longer default to K1 when uploading products without flashpoint
- Product import: Resolved an issue that hazard statement codes were case insensitive
Version 8.2.1
Issues resolved
- Steambase: Export of measurement overview - component concentration has too many zeroes.
- Product edit: Newly added component is not preselected.
- Product edit: Location label does not show disabled locations.
- Bulk location change: Unable to remove product from last location, even if it is assigned to the DPD.
- SHARE: Viewing some labels causes an error.
- PIMEX: Some movies do not load.
Version 8.2.0
New features
- It is now possible to enter measurements in the new module "STEAMbase". You can link your measurements to a project and upload attachments.
- In the risk assessment inhalation you can find the linked measurements from STEAMbase.
- When you have linked measurements in your risk assessment, you can indicate if the risk is controlled or not. These results will be visible in the reports and on the dashboard.
- It is possible to choose from more product categories when creating a product (wood, stone, glass, and other among others).
- It is now possible to manage job titles and link them to the risk assessments (REACH, skin, inhalation and job daily average). The job titles will be visible in the reports.
Issues resolved
- Products where a vapour pressure wasn't applicable showed a vapour pressure in the reports.
- Synchronisation issue fixed in report
Version 8.1.3
New features
- Password reset page includes two factor authentication for user that has it turned on.
- Diclaimer text added for popup limit values
Issues solved
- Adjusted wic positioning.
- Removed spacing in confirm password.
- Fixed a problem where users can only see what they created in Workplace & Process overview.
- Button to homepage (after sending crash report).
- Subject changed in forget password e-mail.
- Available options in wic depend on location selected.
- Default template for WIC shows correctly now.
- Default tempalte for labels in SHARE shows correctly now.
Version 8.1.2
New features
- Processes overview: Added locations column.
- Activity overview: Added locations column.
- Product overview: Excel export per location now shows location names as first column.
- CMR Report: Order reports by product name.
- Added new WIC.
Issues solved
- Fixed a problem where the synchronization time would not update after synchronizing.
- Fixed a problem where products were incorrectly classified as CMR.
- Fixed a problem on the job daily average page where the cancel buttons did not work.
- Fixed a problem where uploading an SDS file did not work.
Version 8.1.1
Issues resolved
- Solved an issue where signing up for the stoffenmanager newsletter resulted in an error.
- Solved an issue where icons did not load correctly when using the WIC and VIB buttons in the reporting overview.
- Solved an issue where the DPD Export to XML did not work.
- Solved an issue with the display of CMR Products at CMR registration and the dashboard.
- Solved an issue where danger indication in the overviews; products, product (reporting grid), Inhalation and the DPD overview was not showing.
- Solved an issue regarding the Hazard indication in all the reporting overviews.
- Solved an issue on the Product report where the header did not always display correctly when expanding the grid horizontally by adding columns.
- Solved an issue where the update button was sometimes visible in overviews it should not be.
- Solved an issue with the display of the ADR classes in the product overview.
- Solved an issue where on the RIE Inhalation overview custom fields could cause an error.
- Solved an issue on the dashboard that the percentage of CMR products could accidently go above 100%.
- Solved an issue that solid components did not always not appear in the last step of the RIE Inhalation.
- Various general performance issues.
Version 8.1.0
New features
- Report module added for risk assessments and products. Data of these reports are synchronised every night. It is also possible to manually start the synchronisation.
- It is possible to show older versions of products and Risk Assessments Inahaltion in the report module.
- It is now possible to filter on multiple locations in several overviews.
- Under the menu item 'Communicate - WIC' it is now possible to also display workplace instruction cards of a risk assessment inhalation.
- Processes and workplaces can now be assigned to and unassigned from locations in bulk by a company administrator
- It is now possible to define ten custom fields for a risk assessment inhaltion (the same way this can already be done for products). When an administrator created these custom fields, they can be editted for a risk assessment and will show in all relevant forms.
- In the product report new columns are added that weren't avaialable before: hazard statements, physical form, hazard class skin local and systemic and hazard class eye.
- Label module added. It is now possible to print labels (in four different sizes) from the SHARE module. The labels include a QR code which links directly to the product in the SHARE module.
Issues resolved
- Incorrect redirect back to components when in products screen after working on REACH assessment.
- Import: Products without suppliers were always seen as changed.
Version 8.0.5
Issues resolved
- Product: Fix component with null cas number matching as CMR during edit only.
- Product edit: Editing and saving a supplier selected a different supplier.
- Component: Retrieving limit values was not possible
- DPD: Products were not completely removed
- Validation of CAS numbers incorrectly indicated that a CAS number already existed
Version 8.0.4
New features
- Dashboard: Modified "percent assessed" to only take latest version of a product into account.
Issues resolved
- Risk assessment inhalation: Overview not shown properly in French.
- Risk assessment skin: Fix error when not all fields are filled in.
- Settings Wic template layout in IE11.
- German: Activation postal code/city fields aligned below each other.
- Export: Storage flash point not exported if below zero.
- Export: Storage Kemler not exported.
- DPD: Delete entire product instead of last version only.
Version 8.0.3
Issues resolved
- Risk assessment inhalation: Saving an risk assessment with an imported incomplete product causes an error.
- Password reset: Sometimes an error occurred after password reset.
- Product overview: Product which is only added to the DPD is shown as "partially archived".
- Stoffenmanager SHARE: Problems accessing information when Stoffenmanager® WIC template was deselected from the company settings.
Version 8.0.2
New features
- Overview risk inhalation: Added columns for "workplace cleaned" and "workplace inspected".
- Added new WIC
Issues resolved
- Apple iPad: Inline popups did not allow scrolling, except when using the tab-key.
Version 8.0.1
New features
- Product overview: Non-alfabetical sorting on archive status column.
Problems solved
- Fixed issue when scrolling in modal dialogs on mobile/tablet.
- Product edit: Switching versions in the component edit dialog would redirect to the component overview after saving instead of closing the modal dialog.
- Login with two factor authentication: Entering wrong code did not display message.
- Dialogs: In IE11 a non working scroll bar was displayed.
- CMR search: CAS numbers were incorrectly displayed.
- Product overview: Not possible to filter on CAS-number when using "-".
- Product overview: Did not load if you had 70 risk assessments for a single product.
- Report skin: Column "H-phrases" also showed "P-phrases".
- Activity: Task explanation only appeared after selecting PROC.
- WIC: In Word export, the GHS pictograms were too big.
- Product overview: Sorting on physical form was not alfabetical.
- Product overview: Filtering on packing group did not work on roman numerals.
- Overviews: Improve readability of tooltips when lot of columns are selected.
Version 8.0.0
Problems solved- Fixed problem filtering on CAS number
- Fixed problem showing CMR warning when disabled
- Fixed dashboard problem
- Quality WIK icons improved
- Performance improved
- Clearer indication if dustiness is not entered
New features
- New layout and structure
- New navigation structure
- Homepage which is also better integrated within Stoffenmanager
- Stoffenmanager now works on tablet and partly on smartphone!
- Quick navigation added
- Possibility to share news articles
- Import documentation for software developers updated
- Background and documentation of Stoffenmanager updated
- Process templates can be assigned to one or more locations
- Workplace templates can be assigned to one or more locations
Version 7.5.3
Issues resolved
- Component edit: Some characters in the internal notes fields would cause a crash when saving a component
- Product edit: When upgrading a solid component to a product, it was possible to select fluid components
- Product edit: Layout issue in Hazard and Safety information in the german language
- Report skin: Filtering on CMR caused an error
- Report inhalation: Filtering on CMR caused an error
- RIE Inhalation: In some cases the risk assessment was not recalculated when clicking the Risk assessment header
Version 7.5.2
Issues resolved
- REACH: In some cases the field labels would not show when opening an existing REACH scenario
- Import: In some cases the invalid products popup would display an error message
- RIE inhalation: Crashed when the company did not set a default WIK template
Version 7.5.1
Issues resolved
- Product: Create component issue where the new component wasn't automatically selected.
- RIE: Issue with the view/download WIK button for some users
- Component overview: Enabling the product column would break the grid
Version 7.5.0
New features
- Administrator functionality completely renewed including new look and feel.
- Possibility to add company specific respiratory protection including type, Assigned Protection Factors and justification.
- Company specific personal protective equipment now also available within Risk Assessment REACH.
- Possibility to recalculate all Stoffenmanager® content again (Products, Risk assessments etc.).
- Possibility for one click update of all Stoffenmanager® content to the latest version (Products, Risk assessments, etc.). Only available if you use version management.
- Manage "My account" completely renewed.
- Risc WIC templates added including extensive management functionality (order, default, etc.).
- Streamlining of left side navigation menu.
- Respiratory protection added in overview Risk Assessment.
- SHARE MODULE: Possibility to download product data as an XML file.
- SHARE MODULE: For each individual product and risk assessment you now can decide to publish it or not in the SHARE module.
- Administrators now have a better overview of the number of accounts given, who did or did not activate the account etc..
- REACH Reports extended and improved.
- REACH Reports can be downloaded as a Word file.
- Possibility to enter PROCs in Inhalation Risk Assessment and view them in the overview.
- Possibility to enter PROCs in Dermal Risk Assessment and view them in the overview.
- Respiratory Protective Equipment: list extended and corresponding Assigned Protection Factors (APFs) in line with latest international standards. These new APFs are visible in the risk assessment.
- Navigation accelerators added in overviews to eg. jump directly from a component to the corresponding product.
- Possibility to delete a component from a product, even when the component is used in the job daily average calculation.
- Large update on auto-suggestion for first aid and safety instructions. It is now possible to re-use sentences and instructions of other products instead of only the most recent ones.
- Possibility to search on CAS-, EC- and- REACH registration number in Job Daily Average.
- Product now can be exported to Excel by location.
- "Gas" added as physical properties within Products.
- Component flagged when mentioned on a hazard indicator list (additional to CMR lists).
- Component overview: individual components XML export possible. Only available in the licensed XML module.
- Reports inhalation and job daily average: RCRs in Excel and Word now visible in the same colours as in Stoffenmanager® itself.
- SER limit values database now availabe in all languages.
- New TRGS 555 WIC template added.
- Security: Two-step verification can be used to increase the security of your account (s).
- Security: passwords will not be send by mail anymore, but for reasons of extra security can only be reset.
Issues resolved
- Pictogram can be deselected from company specific personal protective equipment.
- Editing product: notification of mandatory location field repaired.
- When uploading a SDS the language set in Stoffenmanager® will be chosen as default.
- Compare with previous version: respiratory protection is shown again.
- REACH Reports: rounding in digits after comma aligned with other reports.
- Respiratory protective equipment again shown in risk assessment reports.
Version 7.1.4
Issues resolved
- Dashboard: issue with loading dashboard statistics regarding larger companies that have a large amount of locations/products.
- Product overview: issue when filtering on ADR class.
- Product: Pop-up issue when uploading VIB using Internet Explorer 10 and previous versions.
- Product: CMR assistant in product editor incorrectly showed 'yes/no'
Version 7.1.3
Issues resolved
- Edit product: MSDS upload disappears behind dialog backdrop when browser is zoomed in or on HiDPI computer displays.
- Edit product: user with read only rights cannot open VIB.
- Assigning product to storage location: incorrect notification (partial) archiving product.
- Components: Limit values with more than 6 decimals can not be saved.
- Components: Issue with duplicate CASnumbers when there is no duplicate CAS Number given resolved.
- Product WIC: Standard WIC Template uses Verdana (9p) even when there is no text present. This makes editing the word file easier.
Version 7.1.2
New features
- Show English import manual in help text.
Issues resolved
- SHARE-module: Components were incorrectly aligned in default WIC.
- Product sets: Some product sets cannot be removed.
- REACH: Entering long stage name can cause an error.
Version 7.1.1
Issues resolved
- On some user accounts the skin report does not display.
- On some user accounts the skin report cannot be downloaded as a Word file.
- PGS-15: A storage location cannot be removed if some specific questions where answered.
- Unable to delete an user from company management.
- Modifying a PPE icon in Internet Explorer causing a white empty window to appear.
Version 7.1
New features
- New Stoffenmanager®-SHARE module: Possibility to create publications of products and risk assessment WIC and MSDS.
- Components: Allow entering EC-number and REACH registration number.
- Components: Allow entering remarks about a component.
- Components: Allow entering multiple limit values.
- Import: Allow importing multiple limit values and EC-number/REACH registration number.
- Risk Inhalation: Select the limit value to calculate with and to show in the overview.
- PGS-15: Update to latest regulations and significantly improved user experience.
- CMR: You can now select which CMR information is applicable to your company and to your own user account.
Issues resolved
- Report Inhalation: In Word version "RCR < 1" is not visible.
- Import: Validation error regarding locations is shown incorrectly when using DPD.
- Activity / Workplace: Save as new version buttons are shown enabled if not available for a Stoffenmanager® account.
- Inhalation: Excel export when only 'task concentration' has layout problems.
- Product edit: Support entering vapour pressure as small as 0,0000005 Pa.
- Inhalation: Filtering on risk assessments with stone or wood was not possible.
Version 7.0.4
New features
- Release of French and Spanish languages.
Issues resolved
- Improvement of alignment of components in default WIK (Word version).
- Unable to dearchive product due to validation triggering.
- For some products, not able to save when any WIC texts have been filled in.
Version 7.0.3
Issues resolved
- When creating a new version of a product/risk assessment the expiration date did not reset.
Version 7.0.2
New features
- The delete button in the digital product depot (DPD) no longer causes the product to be removed from the DPD but deletes the entire product from Stoffenmanager®.
- Information regarding the use of cookies in Stoffenmanager® is now available in more languages.
- Risk assessment inhalation control: When the "automate the task" measure has been applied, show in the overview "To be determined" without concentration.
Issues resolved
- When a too long name was chosen for a risk assessment inhalation, a crash could occur.
- Excel export of component overview does not properly export "solid/liquid" column.
- Incorrect RCR statistics on dashboard after updated component limit value.
- Not being able to save an DPD-only product due to save buttons being unavailable.
- CMR-shield in component overview is clickable, but it should not be clickable.
- Date on news item is in wrong language in languages other than Dutch.
- Component edit: Check on duplicate CAS-numbers does not check for archived components.
- Overview risk inhalation/risk skin/job daily concentration/products: Unable to filter on 'Is up to date?'
- Risk inhalation control: In languages other than Dutch the translated name for "wood" and "stone" is not shown consistently everywhere.
- Dashboard: Sometimes a closed tile that is reopened is not remembered.
- Risk assessment inhalation control: Components were not exported in Excel.
- Risk assessment inhalation: Results is unreadable when long component names are present (Internet Explorer only).
- Product edit: Not possible to save a product if any WIC text exceeded 1024 characters even though 12000 are actually allowed.
Version 7.0.1
New features
- In non-Dutch languages, show the PGS-15 storage information on the danger driven WIC.
Issues resolved
- The option for adding and modifying suppliers from product edit is restored.
- Improved stability for uploading large MSDS files.
- Country was not correctly shown in company settings.
- [Premium] Profile was shown incomplete incorrectly on dashboard.
Version 7.0.0
New Features
- Hazard Classification Eyes has been added to Inhalation and Skin.
- All data and calculations have been updated to the newest GHS regulation and information.
- Multiple overviews have been extented with new columns, filters and sorting. for example on CMR
- Added the ability to let products expire.
- The Excel export has been optimised and improved.
- All functionalities are now visibile for all users. However only premium users can use all functionalities.
- Various smaller features have been turned on for all users.
- Atex and storage data can now be entered at products, regardless if you use these modules.
- Storage and Atex input is now available in all languages.
- Storage and Atex input has been optimised.
- Added the ability to add the total amount of a product at the PGS input.
- The Product register has been renewed.
- Additional factors have been added to products and RI&E's based on H-Phrased for even beter classification.
- The ability to add a SDS per language.
- Restructured the input of products for a more optimal experiance.
- The ability to add own protective measure to WIC.
Solved problems
- Improved the display of the classification of liquids in the overview products.
- Multiple performance enhancements.
- Solved a problem regarding the notification of products or Risk Assessments.
- The name of the file for a risk assessment workplace instruction is now the same of the name of the risk assessment.
- Solved an issue when changing between R/S phrases and H/P Phrases regarding the information about those Phrases.
- Solved multiple smaller issues regarding version management.
Version 6.5.4
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Improved importing of component data.
- [Premium] Solved problem of columns in the Excel export at the RiskAssessment Inhalation sometimes shifting one column.
Version 6.5.3
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Updating a non-component based daily concentration may fail.
- [Premium] Update of expiration timestamp in administrator mode may in rare cases fail.
Version 6.5.2
Issues resolved
- Solved issue within ATEX's zoning.
- Now the correct label shows within ATEX for the vapour pressure.
- Solved saving issue regarding first aid text in relation to hazard pictograms.
Version 6.5.1
New features
- [Premium] For administrators, there are now files available uploaded by Cosanta.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Improved rounding of RCR and other numbers.
- Risk Assessment Inhalation: Incorrect numbers in exposure distribution graph were sometimes shown when solid components were present in the mixture.
- Risk Assessment Inhalation: Sometimes not all product sets are shown.
- SER limit values: Incorrect display (scientific notation) of very small numbers.
Version 6.5.0
New features
- Concentration of components in powder mixture: In a Risk Assessment Inhalation determining the concentration per component in a powder mixture composed of one or more components is now possible.
- Security: Users are temporary locked out for ten minutes after five incorrect login attempts.
- [Premium] Security: New sub users in a premium account have no permissions by default.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] The upload limit of the import XML file has been increased to 40MB.
- [Premium] Fix issue regarding expiration date of risk assessment in English.
- Longer WIC texts were not saved sometimes
- Incomplete display of overview risk asessments.
- Filtering on product name in overview risk assessment skin and action plan.
- Finnish translation in risk assessment WIC.
Version 6.4.4
Issues resolved
- When having no write permissions on a risk assessment inhalation, no results were shown in the last step.
- Dutch only: ATEX and PGS could disappear if disabled in user profile.
- Fixed small issues with report generation.
- Sometimes it was not possible to filter the Action Plan grid.
- Duplicate values in selection lists in user profile.
Version 6.4.3
New features
- The version number and version date are now displayed in the component, product, risk assessment inhalation, risk assessment skin, risk assessment reach and job daily average grids.
- Added the "Up to date" column to the following grids: product, risk assessment inhalation grid, risk assessment skin, risk assessment reach and job daily average.
- Added a "Update" button to the following grids: product, risk assessment inhalation grid, risk assessment skin, risk assessment reach and job daily average. The update button allows you to update all underlying versioned properties. For example: Updating a product will update all components of that product to the latest version.
- When a user uses the "Update" button in one of the grids, a notification will be pushed to the other Stoffenmanager users of users company.
- The bulk assigning and unassigning feature now also allows you to add product to the DPD (Digital Product Depot).
- The risk assessment inhalation grid Excel export now displays all calculated results in separate cells.
Issues resolved
- When a user did not have permissions to edit a risk assessment inhalation and attempted to open a risk assessment inhalation, the user was shown an error.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when a user creates a new risk assessment inhalation and sets the location of the risk assessment to the "Select an option" option.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain fields not to save on the company information page.
- When copying a product in the quantitative exposure assessment route, all of the product WIK fields will now be saved.
Version 6.4.2
New features
- [Dutch only] SER limit value import allows more units to be imported.
- [Premium] Added new REACH stage names.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] When clicking the '+' button in the product editor, sometimes the danger class assistant was not shown.
- [Dutch only] Fixed broken links on cookie information page.
- Infotips in some popups didn't work.
- Some Polish translations of inhalation measures were not shown.
- Improved sorting of calendar items on home page.
- Calendar was sometimes shown in wrong language.
- Add Cosanta BV footnote to PDF-version of terms and conditions.
- Small layout improvements throughout the application.
- Improved layout and text of error reporting page.
Version 6.4.1
New features
- [Premium] Changes to the import to allow enriching more fields in Stoffenmanager®.
- Release of Polish language (Polski).
Version 6.4
New features
- [Premium] Centralized management and import of products in a 'digital product depot'. Users can easily assign products from the digital product depot to their own locations without write permissions.
- [Premium] Possibility to add and edit custom fields for a product.
- [Premium] Renewed developer documentation 'Import in Stoffenmanager®'.
- [Premium] Page 'Import in Stoffenmanager®' has a new look and feel and a progress indicator.
- [Premium] Stoffenmanager® import can now handle larger files.
- [Premium] Stoffenmanager® import options added: create new version of product/component when a product/component has been changed.
- Added password strength indicator to 'My settings' page.
- Risk inhalation: Added WIC based on information filled in the risk assessment.
Issues resolved
- Generation of a multi-language WIK would fail if some texts were not filled in.
- Component overview: Column 'Archived?' didn't have a header text.
- Calendar of selection of MSDS-date was not translated in Swedish.
Version 6.3.3
New features
- It is now possible to upload an SDS file with a product.
- [] Added the Swedish language.
Issues resolved
- [Basic] RCR is not properly displayed.
- [Premium] Excel export does not export concentrations.
- [Premium] PGS Storage: Navigation between different pages is interrupted.
- [Premium] PGS Storage: Fix cancel button in storage location edit popup.
- [Premium] PGS Storage: Fix popup not closing.
- [Premium] Location tree does not show expand icons.
- Homepage calendar text layout issues.
- Risk assessment inhalation: Dilution is not mandatory.
Version 6.3.2
New features
- Streamlined process of creating a Stoffenmanager® account.
- It is now possible to fill in your workplace instruction card in multiple languages. Existing products have been migrated to the language it was filled in.
- Added tile on the dashboard with the company information.
- Stoffenmanager® import allows importing product WIC information in multiple languages.
- Column selection and other premium-only features of the overviews are now available for basic users too.
- Users of the free version of Stoffenmanager® can now view the RCR of risk assessments.
- Users of the free version of Stoffenmanager® can now view the daily concentration of risk assessments.
- Product overview export: Instead of showing 'Multiple locations', each location is now shown.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Copying a RIE could cause an error message.
- [Premium] Fix generation of Word workplace instruction card for some users.
- [Premium] PGS Storage: Added warning in case an invalid product was stored.
- Product editor: After adding a component the component was not immediately shown in the selection list (basic users only).
- Error message after converting a product from WMS to GHS.
- For some users the selected columns and filters were not always remembered.
- Risk assessment inhalation editor: Summary was not updated during editing the risk assessment.
Version 6.3.1
Issues resolved
- Solved display problem of a product after being converted to GHS.
Version 6.3
New features
- [Premium] RIE Inhalation: In the overview the daily concentration estimate and RCR based on the time can now be shown.
- [Premium] RIE Inhalation: The results show the daily concentration estimate and RCR based on the time.
- [Premium] RIE Inhalation: The report shows the daily concentration estimate and RCR based on the time.
- [Premium] Activity: The time can be filled in on a per-minute basis instead of a selection list.
- RIE Inhalation: The time can be filled in on a per-minute basis instead of a selection list.
- Daily concentration: The filled in time in a risk assessment is now suggested when creating or editing a daily concentration.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] A risk assessment that was removed but expired showed a notification.
- [Premium] Paging of grid of bulk location changing for products didn't work correctly.
- [Premium] An user who previously worked with ATEX couldn't be removed.
- Incorrect sort order of hazard statements on the WIC.
- Product edit: When a new supplier was created it was not shown on the WIC.
- Removed the 'Stoffenmanager® werkplaats' (was available in Dutch only).
Version 6.2.1
New features
- Default language fallback is now English instead of Dutch.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] PGS storage: Resolved issue where product couldn't be assigned to a location.
- [Premium] ATEX: Resolved crash in generating action plan.
- Danger driven WIC sometimes showed labels in the wrong order.
Version 6.2.0
New features
- [Premium] Tab sequence when editing a product improved.
- It is now possible to upload a company logo.
- Company logo is now shown at the page header of each report.
- Small improvements in the reports.
- It is now possible to generate a 'danger driven' WIC.
- Support for limitvalues as low as 0,000001.
- Risk assessment skin: Shows the selected measure.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] In specific cases an error message could be shown in the PGS storage module.
- [Premium] Column 'archive status' showed wrong in the column header.
- [Premium] Large import files should no longer yield error message.
- [Premium] Management: Creating a user, deleting it and then re-creating it no long yields an error message.
Version 6.1.6
New features
- New supplier and Edit supplier open on a new screen (new supplier from Edit product still opens in a popup).
Issues resolved
- After selecting a component on the Edit product screen, one can jump to next component fields again with Tab.
Version 6.1.5
New features
- [Premium] Reports for the risk assessments of inhalation and skin are now free searchable on their name.
- [Premium] Reports for the risk assessments of inhalation and skin can now be searched for productname.
- [Premium] Reports for the risk assessments of inhalation and skin can now be searched for componentname and CAS number.
- [Premium]Reports for the risk assessments of inhalation and skin can now be searched using multiple locaitons.
- [Premium] Reports for the risk assessments of inhalation and skin can now be searched for CMR products.
- [Premium] Reports for the risk assessments of inhalation and skin can now be searched for productname.
Version 6.1.4
New features
- Premium is also available in Finnish.
Version 6.1.3
New features
- Premium is now also available in Finnish.
Issues resolved
- Solved crash when visiting the Finnish homepage with the English language setting.
Version 6.1.2
Issues resolved
- Inconsistency in order delete and copy buttons in list risk assessment skin.
- Links to risk assessments inhalation when using FireFox browser.
- CMR-registration; assessment names listed without spacing.
- Locations were editable in risk assessments; now only using ‘Assigning, detaching locations’.
- Problem with instruction card for RAS (cleaning) for specific products.
- Problem retrieving country name in company information.
- New references in background articles.
Version 6.1.1
Issues resolved
- Report inhalation shows for some users the incorrect number of risk assessments.
- Filter on risk assessments in report inhalation and report skin was empty for some users.
- Crash in daily concentration for some users resolved.
- Problem in product editing with English notation of decimals resolved.
- [Premium] ATEX and PGS tabs hidden for non-Dutch languages.
- Text added for inhalation risk measure 'Replace product'.
- It is no longer possible to select the measure 'Replace product' for a risk assessment with cutting labour (wood and stone).
- Some older icons replaced with newer ones.
- Location filter on dashboard is now correctly sorting on name.
- Check for removal of product corrected.
- Live-notification of event log reactivated.
- Possibility of entering rare character like > and < as a name on some forms.
- When a decimal vapour pressure was used the panel was shown as 'not ready'
Version 6.1
New features
- [Premium] Component edit: Added functionality to copy information from the GESTIS database.
- Component edit: added navigation to GESTIS database.
Issues resolved
- Small stability improvements.
Version 6.0.2
New features
- [Premium] Product overview: Added columns for hazard category inhalation and skin.
- [Premium] Import: Possible to import ATEX and PGS information (Dutch only).
- [Premium] Import: Changes to facilitate data improvement in Stoffenmanager.
Issues resolved
- Report skin was sometimes not translated into English, Finnish or German.
- Daily concentration: Resolved issue causing duplicates in component selector when creating a daily concentration for vapours.
- German language: Fixed various layout problems.
Version 6.0.1
Issues resolved
- Of some solid substance risk assessments no measures could be taken.
- Sorting and filtering on certain columns on some overviews.
- Not able to delete some locations
Version 6.0.0
New features:
- Redeveloped all the important overview lists.
- Totally renewed filter functionality.
- CMR report now contains a filter.
- Edit dialogs open now in the same page.
- The roadmap has been replaced by the Dashboard.
- [Premium] Extended management information via the Dashboard.
- [Premium] Columns can be hidden and shown on the overviews.
- [Premium] Overview lists can be exported to Microsoft Excel.
- [Premium] Version management has been added for products, components, risk assessments and daily concentration.
- [Premium] Implemented the functionality to review differences between versions.
- [Premium] Implemented archiving per location for products.
- [Premium] Implemented archiving risk assessments.
- [Premium] Added bulk archiving functionality for locations, which will archive all data below it.
- [Premium] Added functionality to expire individual risk assessments.
- [Premium] Added functionality to add central automated management of expiration dates based on parameters.
- [Premium] Added extended real-time notification system.
- [Premium] Added event/audit log of actions done in the system.
- [Premium] Added option to bulk change locations of risk assessments and products.
Issues resolved
- Large technical optimization of the back-end.
- Large amount of stability improvements implemented.
Version 5.6.11
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Resolved issue that sometimes caused a risk assessment skin to overwrite the original when copying.
- It is now possible to use the 'greater than' and 'less than' signs in product names, component names, and WIC text.
Version 5.6.10
Issues resolved
- Various technical and stability improvements.
Version 5.6.9
Issues resolved
- Various technical and stability improvements.
Version 5.6.8
New features:
- [Premium] Updated ATEX module to comply with the latest laws and regulations.
- [Premium] Updated PGS module to comply with the latest laws and regulations.
- [Premium] Data in the ATEX module is now shared between users of the same company.
- [Premium] Data in the PGS module is now shared between users of the same company.
- [Premium] Premium users are able to create an unlimited amount of products, risks assessments and daily average concentrations. Basic users have been restricted in this matter.
- [GESTIS version] Improved the homepage layout.
- [RAS versie] Improved the homepage layout.
- Improved the steps to procedure to switch between different Stoffenmanager® versions (Generic, Gestis, RAS, FIOH).
- Developed a Finnish version of Stoffenmanager® for FIOH.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Increased the maximum vapour pressure to 10 million Pa in the Stoffenmanager® import.
- Fixed registration issues for some users.
- [Premium] Improved the appearance of the EVD cards in the ATEX Module.
- [Premium] Solved issue that made it impossible to upgrade some of the users to company administrator.
- [Premium] Fixed pagination system in ATEX so it's identical to the rest of the pagination systems in Stoffenmanager®.
- Solved issue on the risk inhalation overview page where long component names caused layout issues.
- Solved issue that caused problems saving reports with strange characters in the name of a inhalation risk assessment.
- Solved issue where long component names caused layout issues on the daily average comcentration page.
- Solved issue with the activation of a Premium demo account.
- Solved issue that caused some products to be undeletable even though they were not used anymore.
- Applied some layout tweaks to the product edit page.
- The list of countries on the company profile page is now also available in other languages than English.
Version 5.6.7
Issues resolved
- Fixed bug in far-field.
- The permission system was sometimes to rigid.
Version 5.6.6
New features
- [Premium] Searchable selection list for components in daily concentration
- [Premium] It is now possible to disable the CMR notification that shows up when editing a product.
- Language list in 'My settings' and 'Company information' has now been translated.
Opgeloste problemen
- [Premium] System-wide notifications are now only shown to premium account administrators.
- [Premium] In the permissions editor new locations were incorrectly shown as accessible by the user.
- Resolved issue causing line breaks in the product editor not to be saved.
- Introduction text 'welcome to Stoffenmanager®' after registering improved.
- Resolved issue in Risk Inhalation causing long component names to make the concentration unreadable.
Version 5.6.5
New features
- Account removal is now available in Finnish.
- Component edit: In all modules/routes all fields are now available.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Performance adding components to a product was improved.
- [Premium] Stability improvements in REACH.
- Special characters such as > and < are now allowed in WIC-texts.
- Measures: Replacing a product with a product without H/R-phrases could fail.
- WIC: Special (non-visible) characters in WIC-texts could cause a corrupt Word document when exporting.
- Risk Inhalation: Sometimes an unique combination of a PPE and a product could cause a crash.
- Several security fixes for ATEX
Version 5.6.4
Issues resolved
- [Premium] PGS: Various layout- and consistency improvements.
- [Premium] ATEX: Various layout- and consistency improvements.
- [Premium] Edit product: Stability improvements.
- [Premium] Permissions: Someone who had limited permissions and was upgraded to premium admin kept the limited permissions.
- WIC: room ventilation was not shown on the WIC-card.
Version 5.6.3
Issues resolved
- [Premium] PGS: Products without ADR class caused crashes.
- [Premium] Import:signal term couldn't be imported.
- Product editing: CLP converter didn't work sometimes.
- Product editing: sort suppliers by name.
- Product WIC: icons sometimes not visible in Word export.
- Product CMR registration: New registrations CMR couldn't be created.
- Supplier editing: Email validation only allowed lowercase email addresses.
Version 5.6.2
Issues resolved
- [Premium] User permissions could not be edited.
- [Premium] Some REACH risk assessments could not be opened.
- [Premium] In some cases, copied products overwrote the original product.
- 'General information' when editing a product always remained on 'not ready'.
- Product editing: date picker didn't work well.
- Product editing: Selected WMS icons were not displayed after saving.
- Product editing: When editing long WIC-texts typing was interrupted.
Version 5.6.1
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Error messages in the import improved
- Errors resolved in entering risk assessment skin.
Version 5.6
New features
- New design of the Stoffenmanager® homepage.
- Various significant performance and stability improvements made throughout Stoffenmanager®.
- Calendar functionality added.
- Stoffenmanager® portal closed and removed. Functionality moved to the new Stoffenmanager® homepage.
- Community FAQ functionality added.
- Premium features clarified.
- Ownership of Stoffenmanager® clarified.
- Language selector enhanced.
- After log in redirection into Stoffenmanager®.
- [Premium] Improvements in the removal of users from company account.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Resolved secutity issue in REACH module.
- Report CMR products and registration was user specific and not company wide.
- When filling in an invalid email address for the newsletter no message was shown.
- Product creation: Paragraph 15 changed to paragraph 2 when entering R/H-phrases
- At risk assessment skin, assessment creation, step 3, decimals are now correctly shown with comma's.
Version 5.5.3
New features
- [Premium] Added support for 'liquid and solid' components in the import.
- Added hazard statements:
- H229
- H230
- H231
- H300+H310
- H300+H310+H330
- H300+H330
- H301+H311
- H302+H312+H332
- H303+H313
- H303+H313+H333
- H303+H333
- H310+H330
- H311+H331
- H312+H332
- H313+H333
- H315+H320
- H360Fd
- Added or updated precautionary phrases:
- P210
- P211
- P223
- P244
- P251
- P261
- P284
- P301+P310
- P301+P312
- P302+P335+P334
- P302+P352
- P303+P361+P353
- P304+P312
- P304+P340
- P308+P311
- P310
- P311
- P312
- P336+P315
- P340
- P342+P311
- P352
- P361
- P361+P364
- P362
- P362+P364
- P364
- P370+P372+P380+P373
- P370+P378
- P370+P380+P375[+P378]
- P378
- P502
- Sort order of all hazard phrases is now by name and number.
- Free users: Show the CAS number in the component drop down while adding/editing a product.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Resolved issue that caused components in a product set not to be marked as deletable.
- [Premium] Resolved issue that caused stability issues after removal of a product set.
- [Premium] Resolved issue that caused WIC texts not to be temporary saved in the Chrome browser.
- [Premium] Resolved issue that caused WIC texts not to be imported correctly.
- [Premium] Information related to vapour pressure of components in REACH improved.
- [Premium] Stricter validation of the import files: don't allow duplicate import ID's anymore.
- Resolved issue that sometimes caused the dilution not to be shown in the report daily concentration.
- When a component was set to 'solid' or 'liquid' it could not be set to 'both' anymore.
- Removed duplication of hazard statement 'H361fd' and 'H361f'.
Version 5.5.2
Issues resolved
- Sign in issues resolved in sector- or country specific Stoffenmanager® versions.
- Issue resolved causing language not to be changed in sector- or country specific Stoffenmanager® after using the generic Stoffenmanager®.
Version 5.5.1
New features
- Free users can now select the root location 'My company'.
Issues resolved
- [Premium] Resolved issue that caused warnings while importing were not shown.
- [Premium] Resolved issue that caused not all locations to be shown in Risk Assessment Skin when an user was specifically denied access to a location.
- Resolved issue that caused only the upper half of the Dangerous Substance Register to be printed.
- Resolved issue that caused users not being able to switch languages on Stoffenmanager®.
Version 5.5
New features
- Various improvements to reports generated by Stoffenmanager®.
- Below every report it is now possible to fill in additional reports.
- The German language has been added to Stoffenmanager®.
- The control measure 'replace product' now also works with GHS.
Issues resolved
- Some problems regarding the control measure 'replace product' were resolved.
- When reporting on risk assessments regarding stone or wood the respirable dust was not shown.
No previous patch notes available.